Above are the feedback forms from an exhibition strategy and planning session we held for Total Fire Safety prior to an exhibition at the NEC, Birmingham.
Exhibition Strategy & Planning
This is the service we would recommend as a foundation piece for your exhibition or event.
It involves a half day strategy and planning session which uses worksheets and a proven education tool which is bespoke to you to really support you and your team to get the strategy just right for your goals.
It also prepares you and your team with a timeline checklist document for them to action.
Additionally you have weekly support from Golddust Events to ensure miles stones are hit and you are able to pick up the phone and brain pick throughout the show build up, during the exhibition and post event.
Half day strategy and planning session: this is online or at a venue of your choice. We analyse EVERYTHING you will need for the exhibition, including stand hook, stand time table and additional marketing activity. You will also have been taken through a proven education tool and you and your team will recieve bespoke training.
Pre-Exhibition Checklist: You are then provided with a bespoke action plan with timeline for you and your team to action.
Weekly support: Pre-show, during and post event.
Maximise your exhibition’s return on investment. Events and exhibitions when managed and approached correctly are brilliant at delivering ROI and heightening brand awareness.
It’s true ‘permission’ marketing. Customers and prospects give both their time and permission to interact with you at exhibitions, at a time they’re genuinely ready to buy.